Hear ESCAPE THE FATE side project DEAD RABBITTS' new song "Mistake" | Revolver

Hear ESCAPE THE FATE side project DEAD RABBITTS' new song "Mistake"

Featuring rock vocalist and YouTuber Lauren Babic

It's been a while since Escape the Fate vocalist Craig Mabbitt delivered any music from his long-running Dead Rabbitts project, but the melodic metalcore side-supergroup have just hopped to it with a new single called "Mistake," which precedes a forthcoming EP release.

The new track begins with a momentarily industrially-charged bit of mechano-beating and cryptkeeper croaking from Mabbitt, but the vocalist eventually powers through some pensive thoughts on the purpose of life.

The singer shared in a statement: "'Mistake' asks the existential question: Is what I've been putting my heart & soul into all worth it? Or is it pointless? Do I belong here? Or was it and I just a big mistake?"

"Mistake" also brings in prolific Canadian YouTuber/singer/vocal coach Lauren Babic for some extra melodies, while she also takes the lead through its second glitter-gloom verse. You can hear how Babic and Mabbitt entwine up above in a new music video.

The new Dead Rabbitts single is the first reveal from the band's forthcoming Redefined EP, which will be out this fall through Judge & Jury Records, the record label and production company founded by producer Howard Benson (My Chemical Romance, Seether, Of Mice & Men) and Three Days Grace's Neil Sanderson. The EP was cut with engineer Mike Plotnikoff at West Valley Recording Studios in Woodland Hills, California.