Hear hardcore alchemists CANDY's new rager "Dreams Less Sweet" | Revolver

Hear hardcore alchemists CANDY's new rager "Dreams Less Sweet"

Final single from 'It's Inside You'

Candy's band name has always been a bit subversive, with the hardcore experimentalists' approach coming across like a synesthetic taste of car crash asphalt more so than a handful of your favorite Jelly Bellies. And with the latest sample of their forthcoming It's Inside You, the firmly raging "Dreams Less Sweet," they're getting brutally bitter. And it rules.

While a press release explains that the song title is a direct nod to psych-dustrial cult figures Psychic TV's 1983 LP of the same name, there's a profoundly detuned, bomb-blasted, glass-gargled hardcore approach to the intro that makes it pretty easy to distinguish the two from each other.

The rest of Candy's "Dreams Less Sweet" shotgun-blasts slam breaks and metal-edged hammer-on licks, making for a more savagely dialed-in performance than some of the other industrially-contorted previews of the new album. You can sample their nocturnal emission up above.

As previously reported, Candy's It's Inside You is due out June 7 via Relapse, and features guest spots from Justice Tripp (Trapped Under Ice, Angel Du$t). Aaron Melnick (Integrity), David Gagliardi (Trash Talk), MIRSY (Fleshwater's Marisa Shriar) and mmph (Sae Heum Han).